June 1, 2016

4 Habits Of A Professional Ski Vacation Artist

Maximize your ski vacation enjoyment each year with these habits from world travelers who have learned so much along their journeys.

The reality is that the average adult goes on 30-45 vacations in the span of their lifetime. Whether this is to the same location each year or new destinations each time, learning these valuable habits make each trip a success.

Plan Ahead

“Consumers visited travel sites 38 times during the 45 days leading up to a package booking,” according to a study commissioned by Expedia Media Solutions. This emphasizes the importance of doing your research leading up to your vacation. Many popular destinations will be booked out for activities days in advance leaving you wondering what to do with your afternoon if you did not plan ahead. The best deal on discount lift tickets is always purchasing ahead and the best ski delivery times are always booked in advance.

Get Local Advice

“Your taxi driver knows where to eat breakfast more than you do.” – Legal Nomad. Unless you have been there for the last 5+ years, you may be interested to ask the locals their opinions. Even then, places change while you are not there. Ask your local contact about the newest restaurants and great shops available. You may be able to discover some of the best powder run or apre ski hangouts only the locals know about.

Manage Expectations

“Don’t sweat the stuff you can’t control. Life is much too short to be angry & annoyed all the time.” – Matthew Karsten, World Traveler

Did your flight get delayed? Schedule rearranged? Take a deep breathe and be content with plan B. Some of the happiest people in the world are those who respond to disappointments with a flexible attitude. Great adventures can turn up from an unexpected change of plans.

Enjoy Your Company

“People enrich your travels more than sights or activities do.” What’s the old saying, “Love the one you’re with”? Traveling with multiple families or completely solo, embrace the moment. “Accomplishing” the mountain will give you a great badge on your app, but learning something new about your daughter, laughing with your husband or soaking in your surroundings will last much longer.

Ski resort towns are full of people who love to travel. Take the time to meet some of them, if this is your regular vacation destination, make connections with the locals. An open travel spirit will guide you through the time and have you encountering experiences that will sure to be unforgettable.


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