May 28, 2020

Protect Our Winters monthly newsletter

An excerpt from the most recent publication of POW:

There is no better time than now to create a just carbon neutral future. We are seeing global large scale change is possible and can happen quickly. We are experiencing roughly an 8 percent decline in emissions around the world, (largest emission declines since the 2008 financial crisis and WWII). That is some incredible momentum, but in order to stay within 1.5 degrees Celcius of warming, every year between 2020-2030 we need to reduce global emissions by 7.6 percent. That is a big task to take on and it is going to take everyone. If we return to status quo, the progress in emission reductions we are seeing will not matter. We want to ensure the world knows that solving climate change is also a catalyst to economic growth, job growth, resilient community building, improved wellbeing, cleaner air, cleaner water… the list goes on. Doom and gloom only happen if we refuse to change

If you want to see the most recent power hour from POW check out the link below:

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