December 5, 2016

Monday woe?…Not with all this expected snow!

Here’s a reason to be happy on a Monday…SNOW IS IN THE FORECAST! Looks like Crested Butte will be getting a health dose of pow all week long. More runs have been opening up this past week and this added snow will only increase those numbers. So get out there and enjoy it!

And if you need a little something to get you through to the end of the week, the Santa Ski and Crawl will be taking place this Saturday, December 10th at 2:00 p.m. Help set the World record for the most skiing Santas. It doesn’t matter if you ski, snowboard or snowblade, all Santas are welcome! The Santa Ski is open to all ages and is free to participate. All you need is a Santa suit and either a season pass or a day pass to the ski mountain. Check out for details!



This is going to be a great ski season here in Crested Butte. If you haven’t already made a reservation for your ski rentals, call Black Tie today at 970.349.0722 and join the fun!

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