January 27, 2018

CBMR Featured Terrain – International (Black)

Crested Butte Mountain Resort is mainly known for their off-piste extreme skiing, but if you looking for a run that will make speed and carving fun again, International is the one for you. Besides the majestic look of the run while going up the Silver Queen Lift or the all time views of town when coming down, International is a renown ski run that will forever change the way you ski.  

Looking down from the top of the run you will either be ecstatic to feel the cool breeze through your Giro Helmet at top speeds, or mentally be ready to tackle one of the steepest runs on the mountain. Either way, you know as you enter the run that it will without a doubt be exciting.  

When asking locals of their favorite groomed runs, International will always be in the conversation. Depending on what kind of snow you prefer the time of day you ski it may change. If you are looking for pristine corduroy, be sure to hit International first thing to ensure you get the prettiest turns on the way down. If you prefer a softer snow base, I recommend on waiting until the afternoon when the run has time to heat up by the sun. The last hour or two of the day is excellent to ski spring-like snow and enjoy the heart-stopping views of surrounding mountains such as Mt. Emmons, Axtel and Whetstone.

As always, Black Tie highly recommends that you ski within your ability and, if unsure about venturing into a new area, consider hiring a guide or instructor. For all of your ski and snowboard rental needs, call us at 970.349.0722.

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